For many years, nutrition professionals
didn’t consider protein a priority for most Americans. The thought was that
most people consume more than enough to prevent protein deficiency.
But now a new perspective is gaining
momentum. A growing body of research shows that a greater intake of protein may
increase muscle synthesis, decrease muscle breakdown, boost satiety, and
improve glycemic control, thereby enhancing muscle function and mobility, as
well as assist in preventing and treating certain chronic diseases. The
evidence regarding many of these health benefits focuses on high-quality
proteins, including milk proteins, which many food manufacturers are adding to
various dairy and nondairy products to enhance their nutritional value and
improve consumers’ health.
Optimal Health vs. Preventing Deficiency
For optimal health, evidence shows
Americans may need more protein than previously thought. Protein is the major
structural component of all cells in the body and functions in the form of
enzymes, transport carriers, and hormones. The body requires a steady supply of
the nine essential amino acids from dietary protein to synthesize new proteins
and balance the rate of protein breakdown. The Recommended Dietary Allowance
(RDA) for protein, 0.8 g/kg of body weight per day for those aged 19 and older,
is based on the minimal amount of protein required to prevent protein
deficiency, not necessarily the optimal amount to promote health. The Institute
of Medicine’s Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein
goes from 0.8 to at least 2.5 g/kg of body weight per day (or 10% to 35% of
total calories from protein).
Since protein needs are a function of lean
tissue mass, not calorie intake, protein requirements should be calculated in
terms of body weight rather than as a percentage of calories. This is critical
with lower energy intakes: When calorie intake is low and protein needs are
calculated as a percentage of calories, the amount of protein may be
inadequate. Moreover, when energy needs aren’t met, protein becomes an
alternate fuel source, which may increase protein requirements.
Distribution and Timing
It’s true that most Americans get plenty
of protein: 1.2 to 1.3 g/kg/day, according to Douglas Paddon-Jones, PhD, a
professor in the department of nutrition and metabolism at The University of
Texas Medical Branch. However, providing the body with optimal protein goes
beyond consuming a set amount per day. The body can use only a certain amount
of protein at a time and can’t stockpile it for later use. “We need to get
protein through a meal-driven approach,” he says.
Research shows that 30 g of protein
increases muscle synthesis by about 50%.1 Preliminary research suggests that
the type, timing, and distribution of protein intake throughout the day are
key. To maximize the potential for muscle growth and repair and provide other
benefits such as satiety and glucose control, it’s best to distribute protein
intake throughout the day; for example, 30 g of high-quality protein (about 4
oz) consumed at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Quality Counts
High-quality, or complete, proteins are
comprised of all nine essential amino acids—those that the human body can’t
manufacture on its own—in proportions similar to amino acid requirements.
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report, animal
products provide a greater quantity and quality of protein than plant products.
This is particularly important when protein needs are high, such as during
periods of growth and metabolic stress. Eating various plant foods may provide
the full array of amino acids, but plant foods may not provide enough calories,
which may result in muscle catabolism to meet energy needs
High-Quality Proteins
Milk, yogurt, and cheese are excellent
sources of high-quality proteins. Individual milk proteins have a wide range of
potential health benefits and functional properties. In milk, approximately 80%
of the protein is casein and 20% is whey. Both casein and whey proteins are
rich sources of peptides that significantly lower blood pressure in those with
hypertension and may contribute to satiety and regulate food intake.
Whey protein has the highest biological
value (the proportion of absorbed protein that’s retained in the body for
maintenance and growth) of any protein, which means it’s highly usable by the
body. Whey protein also is one of the richest sources of leucine, an essential
and branched-chain amino acid that triggers initiation of muscle protein
Other milk proteins also exhibit a wide
range of bioactive properties. For example, caseinophosphopeptides, glycomacropeptides,
and lactoferrin help reduce the risk of dental caries.
Casein and Whey
In light of protein’s health benefits,
manufacturers are isolating various milk proteins, such as milk protein
concentrates (MPCs), whey protein isolate (WPI), hydrolyzed whey protein, and
whey permeate, and using them as ingredients in dairy and nondairy foods, and
beverages such as milk, yogurt, energy bars, and cheese to boost their protein
MPCs are complete dairy
proteins that contain both casein and whey proteins. They’re produced from milk
by a series of processes, including ultrafiltration, evaporation, and drying,
and are available in protein concentrations ranging from 40% to 89%. MPCs with
higher concentrations of proteins can be used to enhance a product’s protein
content without adding significant levels of lactose and contribute valuable
minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. MPC ingredients are
desirable to fortify nutritional beverages, frozen desserts, cultured
products, and others with protein and calcium.
Whey protein can be isolated from milk or
the whey by-product of cheese making. Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is
manufactured by drying the material from the removal of sufficient nonprotein
components from pasteurized whey, resulting in a product that contains 25% or
more protein.
WPI is manufactured by drying pasteurized
liquid whey and removing nonprotein components (lactose, fat, and some vitamins
and minerals) through various separation techniques, resulting in a product that
contains 90% or more protein. Because WPI contains little lactose, those with
lactose intolerance may be able to eat products containing it. Products with
WPI ingredients include infant formula and sports drinks.
Hydrolyzed whey protein, also called whey
protein hydrolysates, is whey protein that has been treated with enzymes to
break down either the protein into peptides and free amino acids or the lactose
into simple sugars. It’s most commonly used in infant formulas, some sports
drinks, and medical protein supplements to improve digestibility and reduce the
allergen potential.
Whey permeate (also called dairy product
solids, deproteinized whey, or modified whey) is a coproduct of the production
of WPC, WPI, ultrafiltered milk, MPC, or milk protein isolate. Whey permeate
usually contains 65% to 85% lactose, 8% to 20% minerals, 3% to 8% protein, and
1.5% fat. Delactosed permeate is a by-product created by removing lactose from
permeate. It contains about three times as much mineral content as permeate
and about 60% lactose. Whey permeate enhances browning and flavor while
improving moisture retention and reducing sodium levels. It’s commonly found in
bakery products, instant soups, and milk-based drinks.
The Research: Milk Protein and Health
Recent research shows that protein intake
at levels above the RDA but within the AMDR may help achieve and maintain a
healthful body weight by increasing satiety and thermogenesis (the energy
required to digest, absorb, and dispose of the nutrients from food), and
improving body composition, and it can play a role in the treatment and
prevention of obesity, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and
sarcopenia. One study found better weight maintenance and fat reductions in
moderately obese subjects who consumed a low-fat, high-protein diet containing
either casein or whey following a weight-loss program compared with a low-fat,
high-carbohydrate diet.
Satiety, Blood
Glucose Control, and Metabolic Syndrome
Satiety may lead to weight loss because of
reduced calorie consumption over time. Calorie for calorie, protein is more
satiating than carbohydrates or fat under most conditions.8 Different forms of
protein, such as casein, whey, and soy, have been shown to have differing
effects on satiety. Some studies show that higher intakes of casein and whey
boost satiety, although their effect on food intake later in the day varies.
Whey protein is digested faster and causes a quick release of circulating amino
acids, whereas casein is digested more slowly and provides a more consistent
release. These circulating amino acids affect certain hormones that influence
appetite. Emerging evidence suggests leucine may enhance satiety; therefore,
the satiety effect of whey may be caused in part by leucine.
According to a 2011 Nestle Nutrition
Institute research review, consumption of dairy products and their milk
proteins improves satiety, and reduces food intake and blood glucose response
when consumed alone or with carbohydrate, and milk proteins contribute to the
maintenance of a healthful body weight and the control of factors associated
with metabolic syndrome, such as high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides,
and fasting blood sugar.
Heather Leidy, PhD, an
assistant professor in the department of nutrition and exercise physiology at
the University of Missouri, agrees that both casein and whey proteins promote
satiety but says the research is mixed as to whether one elicits a greater
satiety effect than the other. Leidy’s research indicates that consuming a
protein-rich meal suppresses the regions in the brain responsible for food
cravings and the motivational drive to eat.
The fact that dietary protein increases
thermogenesis to a greater extent than carbohydrate or fat is well documented
in the literature. Studies have shown that both casein and whey have a
thermogenic effect. Coupled with the ability of milk protein to promote muscle
mass, calorie expenditure may increase slightly and have a positive effect on
weight management.
Body Composition
and Muscle Preservation
Maintaining muscle mass is important for
long-term metabolic health, preventing weight regain following weight loss,
and avoiding sarcopenia. Accumulating research indicates that higher protein
diets may favorably affect body composition by increasing fat loss and
preserving or increasing lean muscle mass during weight loss and weight
maintenance. Consumption of animal proteins, especially those from dairy, seem
to better support muscle protein synthesis and improved body composition compared
with plant proteins. A recent meta-analysis of 22 clinical trials suggests that
increased protein intake through milk/whey protein supplements boosts muscle
mass and strength during resistance exercise in both younger and older adults.
The Meal-Based
Nutrient-rich meals that incorporate
various foods from several protein sources in adequate amounts optimize the
potential for muscle protein synthesis and weight maintenance, decrease chronic
disease risk, and contribute to overall nutrient intake. Nutrition
professionals can help clients get the protein they need when they need it by
conveying the importance of consuming about 30 g (4 oz) of high-quality
protein at each meal and providing related meal suggestions and recipes.
Americans understand the benefits of
protein, according to the International Food Information Council Foundation’s
2014 Food & Health Survey: Eighty-eight percent know that protein helps
build muscle; 60% agree protein can help people feel full; and 60% believe a
high-protein diet can promote weight loss. Nearly six of 10 consider protein
when making a decision about buying packaged food or beverages. However, the
focus for many (47%) is eating more protein during an evening meal rather than
during other meals or snacks during the day.
On average, Americans consume about 12 g
of protein per day at breakfast, 23 g at lunch, 35 g at dinner, and 11 g from
snacks. “The biggest obstacle—or opportunity—is breakfast,” Paddon-Jones says.
“Breakfast items such as eggs, Greek yogurt, and a latté are great, but a lot
of us need something convenient and simple.” He recommends adding WPC, WPI, or
skim milk powder to foods such as a fruit smoothie but to avoid whey
supplements that target bodybuilders because they contain other ingredients
that aren’t necessary.
Food first is the best approach, says Nancy
Rodriguez, PhD, RD, CSSD, FACSM, a professor of nutritional sciences and the
director of sports nutrition programs at the University of Connecticut,
although protein supplements have their place. “There are some situations where
protein supplements may be beneficial, such as for 50-, 60-, and 70-year-old
people who don’t have high energy needs but need to increase protein intake,”
she explains. “The caution with using protein supplements is that the calories
count. Whey supplements wouldn’t necessarily promote weight loss; you have to
look at total calorie intake.”
Foods naturally rich in high-quality
proteins include lean meats, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy foods, and eggs.
Leucine is found in dairy foods, legumes, beef, salmon, shrimp, chicken, eggs,
and nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and walnuts. Milk protein ingredients are
added to some foods that are naturally rich in high-quality protein, such as
milk and yogurt, to further enhance their nutrition profile or add
Greek yogurt is particularly high in
protein: 13 to 18 g per 6 oz, about twice the amount of regular yogurt. The
authentic straining process packs in both casein and whey, according to Kara
Lydon, RD, LDN, health communications manager for Chobani. “Like milk, Greek
yogurt contains a higher ratio of casein to whey protein: about three to one,”
she says. Lydon suggests always having a convenient source of high-quality
protein on hand, such as nuts, string cheese, or Greek yogurt. Chobani’s website
( offers recipes, a recipe ingredient conversion chart, and
cooking videos.
Cottage cheese has the highest amount of
leucine of any food, according to Laura Hershey, MBA, RD, health and nutrition
manager for Daisy Brand Cottage Cheese. It contains about 14 g of protein (more
protein per ounce than Greek yogurt) and 0.7 g of leucine per 1⁄2 cup, and is
about 90% casein and 10% whey. Daisy Brand Cottage Cheese’s website
( includes food pairing suggestions, recipes developed
by RDs, and patient education materials.
A relatively new product on the market is
Core Power, a low-fat, lactose-free milk that contains 26 g of protein,
including 21 g of casein and 5 g of whey, per 11.5-oz serving. Through a
cold-filtration process, the milk solids in fresh milk, such as protein and
calcium, are concentrated.
Core Power currently is marketed as a
recovery beverage for athletes, but David Grotto, RD, LDN, a consultant for
Core Power and the author of The Best Things You Can Eat, also sees
applications for nursing home residents, and diabetes and cancer patients. To
get more protein, Grotto suggests clients should have Core Power with breakfast
as well as high-protein breakfast foods such as Southern-style oatmeal (a whole
egg mixed into oatmeal), Greek-style yogurt, or whey protein powder added to
regular yogurt. “Have a diversified portfolio of protein,” he says. “Variety
really is the spice of life.”
Most important, according to Rodriguez, is
to have good-quality protein in every meal—distributed evenly throughout the
day—to ensure people get the essential amino acids. “Casein and whey both
contribute to the amino acid pool,” she says. “As long as you get adequate
amino acids, your body is less likely to go to its own muscle and break it down
to replenish and maintain the body’s amino acid pool. Minimizing the breakdown
of muscle is always a good thing.”
All Fitness __ Milk Proteins
— Karen Giles-Smith, MS, RD, is
a freelance writer based in Michigan and the health and wellness editor for Dairy
Foods magazine. Her 23-year career in nutrition has encompassed
clinical dietetics, nutrition education, and nutrition communications.
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